Friday, January 14, 2005


Ode To My Beloved Sister

I love you most when
You have a "quick question" for me,
You laugh like a baignoire qui se vide,
You take the 13:06 train back home,
You calmly translate poems
With your voice so cristaline et rapide.
When your testa hurts,
And when you try to lose me
In the streets of Canterbury,
O, how I love thee.

I cherish your Viennese coupe
Like a mussel playing the violin
In the vent des prophètes.
My heart grows fonder
When your glasses sit crooked on your nose,
And when you look like
A rescapée de Moscou.
These things are always verrrrry nice.

There's no one else
I'd rather eat Mexican salads with,
In downtown Minneapolis.
No one else I'd rather share Pannetone with.
If you were here, we could watch The Hours,
With Nana Mouskouli singing in the background
And eat unsalted tomates à longueur de journée - yahoo.

I miss your gipsy music,
And your Knacki-smelling hands,
Your peuple migrateur,
Your pretty boucles brunes,
Your graines de beauté,
Your histoi de Babah
And your libellule eyes.

O, when will you return to me?
So we can go se faire mal au crane,
A dos d'âne!
Marie Magdalena has polished her icons
For your return,
MJ has left by minibus
To migrate with the Allouettes,
And I've prepared an A.S.
Rihoooooo...ta, bella cigogna,
Comè si pianta la bella polenta?
I impatiently await the time when
We will go for warm chicken bbq's
With kir in our hands,
And hoses spraying the unreached areas
Of the rotannnnde.

In the meantime, thank you
For understanding me inside out,
And making me laugh like a headless chicken,
For your honesty;
You are one of the most beautiful people
Having tread the path of my life.
I miss playing the guitar and harmonizing with you,
Riding that powder and falling off the lifts
Because of contagious hilarity.
I miss sharing thoughts with you
While sipping on our caramel macchiatos.
I love you Thais :)

And to answer your question, no, you never embarass me; even when you openly proclaim your love for my armpits ;)

Do you think she has a .............................................. wig?


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