Rocky Racoon
Everyone in their right mind apply sun cream before they go snowboarding. Everyone knows that at this time of the year, if you don't protect yourself, you get burnt, seriously burnt - blisters and all. Everyone knows. Myself included. But I wanted to eternalise my last outing of the season by getting myself a goggle tan. So I neglected the cream idea and naively invited the Arpil sun to shine upon my unprotected face.
Walking on the High Street on this busy Saturday has been rather entertaining - it's been amusing to watch people's reactions to my leprotic-looking face. Discreet but intent stares. Unashamed question marks on children's mouths. Sympathetic but inquisitive eyes. Confuzzled frowns.
But it also left me feeling alienated. Uprooted. I wanted to go back to where I felt I belonged. Where I was understood. Back to where my poor peeling tan could freely express itself and not want to hide its face in shame. Back to where people could distinguish a goggle tan from a disease. I wanted to go find my homies ... at least until I stood at the checkout in Tesco.
At that point, the curse of the goggle tan became source of much joy. When I handed my money over, the girl uttered these long awaited words: "Have you been snowboarding?" At that very moment, my mourning was turned into dancing. I instantly felt understood. Accepted. Acknowledged for the right reasons. I walked back shopping in hand, with a smile across my face, oblivious to people's scrutiny.
My ears are currently seduced by: Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Tu te trouves cool? Moi j'te trouve cool,comme fille, parce que tu snowboardes et tu joues de la guitare...
In Between Dreams is indeed an album worthy of purchasing. Hmm... Who told you about it? I can't remember! I think your tan is cool and works well with your face! And if it doesn't work, you can always staple it together and call it bad weather, so there ain't no need to go outside and I'll make you banana panckakes! Shaba...
Jeanne c'est tout de meme un jour important: mon premier comment! :)
En fait j'ai rien a dire! :) Mais non je rigole!
As Jeanne gets some little looks and an eventual comment on her goggle tan (and not a google tan, which would make Jeanne a big Google fan, as she researches maths solutions), I, today finnally got a comment on my Red Sox jacket... somebody from Boston came up to me and asked me whether I was from Boston... However she didn't ask about the Red Sox... so my goal isn't quite reached yet.
I still own the proud of wearing that beautiful flashy RED SOX jacket, and so does Jeanne with her goggle tan. Don't worry the looks, let them come to Suissa and realise how beautiful it is to Snowboard.
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