Sunday, July 17, 2005


Too many to know where to start.

Dear friend, it's good to see you again,
It's good to still see you travelling
Through the terrain of your soul.
It's good to know
Little things still drive you
And put a smile across your face.

Dear friend, you hit the same wall
Time and time again
I listen to you speak - it's all the same.
It's a shame.

My friend, run towards Him,
Never cease to fight,
Fight that good fight of faith.
He will make you whole.
In Him, you have life
And the room to breathe.
Seek refuge in Him,
From the arrows of discouragement
And deception.
May He leave footprints
For you to follow
In this confusing darkness.
I'm praying for you.

It was good to sing and play with you
Hey, apparently we're a good team
"Moving and inspiring" -
We should tour the world
Like troubadours

My friends, I miss you.
Sometimes I wish
I had super power-ranger powers
To be in two places at once...
Anything is possible through God who strengthens me!

Dear God, thank You
For breathing Your life in me,
For being a God of revelation and of compassion,
A God who daily pursues His child,
Thank You for exceeding every one of my expectations,
For being a God full of mystery,
And majesty.

For knowing what delights my heart most.
For knowing me so perfectly,
For loving the me, not the who-I-try-to-be
Thank You for times when I don't have answers,
When You remind me that You are God.
Thank You for never failing at coming through.
Thank You because You're the only one I can depend on,
The only One who will never fail me.
Thank You for being Love,
For breaking my heart for Your people.

For every good and perfect gift You enrich me with.
Thank You for every single person
You have woven into the tapestry of my life.

Thank You for knowing where I'm coming from
Each time I speak with You.
Thank You for always finding me where I am.
Thank You for times of brokeness
When I see the idols I made for myself
Can't save me.

Thank You because a whisper alone
Stills my fears and restlessness,
And Your presence quietens my rushing questions.

Thank You for making Yourself known to me
Through the people I encounter daily.

Thank You because Your word is alive.

Thank You because You are truly more than enough,
If only I'd drink that in,
And abide in You,
For more than a day.
Thank You because apart from You
I can do nothing.

Thank You for loving me so much
That when I turn away,
When I seek a life of my own
It grieves You
And You come back and wait for me
Thank You for Your measureless grace.

Thank You because You are turning my rags
Into beautiful garments.

Thank You for being uncontainable;

Thank You for every breath You grant me
For every dawn You bring,
For every season You hold me through.
Thank You for letting me hear the songs
You sing over me.
Thank You for every thing
That brings a smile,
A laugh.
And for the tears only You can hear.
Thank You for the things
Yet to come.
Thank You for the life of abundance
You come to breathe into Your children.
Thank You that Your joy is my strength.

Thank You that You take the time

To discipline me,
To teach me,
To be patient with me.

Thank You for the gift of Your creation.
For the swallows that dance,
And dive
Into the dimming sunlight

For making every new day

Thank You for the gift of friendship
And the gift of music -
May my life be an ongoing harmony
To the song You sing over me.

My ears are currently seduced by: Rockwell Church - random mix of songs


Blogger Thais said...

tray jolie. looks like He really stirred your heart pendant mon service de café. carrrrrrrrrrrrrrramelllllll machiattttttto??

9:51 AM  
Blogger Thais said...

P.S. But could we tour the world like balladins, instead of like troubadours?

9:52 AM  

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